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Planning Board Minutes 09/16/09

P.O. BOX 602
(508) 696-4270


DATE:                   September 16, 2009      

TIME:                           7:06 P.M.

PLACE:                  Town Hall Annex

BILLS:                  Patricia Harris...................................$879.60
                                Verizon……………………………. $ 36.82
                                Planning Board (petty cash)………..$ 20.00
MEETING MINUTES:        As referred in the September 9, 2009 Meeting Agenda
                                2 September 2009        Deferred
8 September 2009        Deferred
9 September 2009        Deferred

1.  Henry Stephenson
A.      Julie Robinson
B.      Town Hall Annex relocation
C.      Owen Little Way

a.      Mr. Stephenson met with Ms. Robinson about her building on Break Down Lane, and learned that one of her tenants my be vacating space, so that there could be a substantial amount of commercial space available for the town to rent for the annex personnel.

He noted that she was unclear about the exact amount of space that would be available or what she was asking for rent. The hand sketched plan was not that clear either, because he was not sure if the loft could be used because it was not handicap accessible. There were too many uncertainties, enough so that he would more than likely have to secure more information about the building to determine whether it was a viable option.

b.      Spring Building Restoration Committee

Mr. Stephenson notified the Board that he advised the Committee of the annex personnel’s proposal to relocate in the Spring Building.  Some of the committee members favored the recommendation, explaining that the town would then have to help finish the renovations.  The contractor on the hand did not think it was a practical matter to alter their plans to restore the building to accommodate offices.

Mr. Stephenson noted that the Spring Building was always utilitarian in construction; it never had finished walls, and was best suited to seasonal functions, such as weddings, etc.  The site did not have sufficient parking, handicap access or space for a meeting room.

It was his hope that the town would designate the property a public park for the entire town to enjoy. He added that the Polly Hill Arboretum was interested in creating a botanical garden by the pond, which he thought worked beautifully with the seasonal functions.

DPW’s Highway Barn

Mr. Stephenson mentioned that he had inspected the site with Denny Wortman to check on the existing building to note that the steal frame was sound enough to renovate for offices, but that they would need to hire a contractor to give them a good estimate.

Mr. Duart was unclear about the arrangement with the school and asked the Board if the Board of Selectmen offered to give the entire lot to the school for sole use as a parking lot, or if they intended to keep the building and give the school the rest of the lot for parking.

Mr. Stephenson was of the impression that the entire lot was going to get cleaned out and used for school parking.  A consultant was reported to say that they had sufficient area for 50 cars if the entire lot was completely cleared of everything, including the building. He thought at most they would be able to accommodate 28 to 30 cars at most if the Annex personnel utilize the building.  And the figure did not include the 12 spaces required for the Annex.  Mr. Duart understood that the school needed a total of 63 spaces.  Mr. Stephenson clarified that the number reflected the number of spaces they needed for personnel, visitors, parents and the superintendent’s office.

Mr. Stephenson noted that the school principal understood that they may have to share the parking with the town hall annex, but that he wanted to make sure that the top priority in the final decision was the children’s safety.

Mr. Duart asked Mr. Stephenson what it was that the town promised the school at town meeting.  Mr. Stephenson recollected that they promised not to go forward with the new fire station until they had a professional consultant signed off on the plans assuring that the access did not pose a safety hazard to the school children. The Board of Selectmen subsequently promised them the highway barn property for parking.

Additional discussions ensued with this regards, and Mr. Stephenson thought they’d learn more form the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on 09/17/09.

Board of Selectmen’s Meeting on 09/17/09

Mr. Stephenson informed the Board that the Board of Selectmen had scheduled a meeting on September 17, 2009 at 4PM on the KCT to review the information brought to them with regards to relocating the Town Hall Annex personnel.

Mr. Stephenson thought it was important to have the Planning Board represented at these discussions at least to offer assistance. He was of the impression that if they had any questions with the information the Planning Board provided, they would want the Board at the meeting.  The Board secretary advised the Board that she has posted the meeting for the Planning Board, so that if a quorum was present, the Board could participate in the discussions without any concern.

c.      It was suggested that they move forward with an application to the Conservation Commission. Before proceeding, the Board thought they should meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss whether they approve of the improvements, and if they will make the application to the Conservation Commission.

Mr. Stephenson inquired if they couldn’t simply attach a copy of the sketch to a letter asking them if they are interested in pursuing the improvements.
2. Municipal Needs Assessment

3. Planning Board Schedule
RE: November 11, 2009

Board members were advised that they could not meet on Veteran’s Day and asked if they wanted to cancel or reschedule the meeting.  Mr. Duart recommended canceling the meeting, and reschedule a meeting if necessary. Board members agreed.

Mr. Aldrin moved to cancel their meeting on November 11, 2009.   Mr. Duart seconded the motion, which motion carried.  3/0/0

Mr. Stephenson informed the Board that he will not be available on September 23, 2009 . Mr. Aldrin and Mr. Seidman were not attending the meeting on the 23rd of September as well.  Mr. Duart thought they had no choice but to cancel the meeting for lack of quorum.  Mr. Aldrin seconded the motion. And the motion carried.  3/0/0


1.  Douglas Hoehn, SB&H Inc.
A.      Reid Dunn – Preliminary Plans, Master Deed, etc
B.      Rhonda Backus, Form C Definitive Plan and Form F Covenant

a. Mr. Hoehn did not provide the plans as previously discussed. The topic was therefore tabled.

b. Board members reviewed the applicant’s conditions and restrictions to verify if Ms. Backus had to meet certain requirements before they could sign off on the Definitive Plan.  None were listed. The applicant however attached a copy of the Form F Covenant, and documentation creating a Road Association.

The Board confirmed the documents were in order, and entertained a motion to sign the plan.  Mr. Duart, after verifying that the applicant named the road and submitted a plan for wastewater management, moved to sign the Definitive Plan. Mr. Aldrin seconded the motion, which motion carried.  3/0/0
2. MV Commission
A.      11 September 2009 Extended Schedule
B.      17 September 2009 Meeting Agenda
C.      Draft Ocean Management Plan (Hearing 9/16/09 @ KCT)
D.      CPTC fall Workshops

3. Thomson Reuters
RE: Zoning Bulletin, 25 August 2009

4. Congressional Quarterly
RE: Governing, September 2009

CORRESPONDENCE SENT:                    

1. Public Hearing Notice
RE: Rickard’s Bakery LLC, AP 22C02


Tisbury Board of Selectmen Meeting on September 17, 2009 at 4PM in the Katherine Cornell Theater

PRO FORM        Meeting opened, conducted and closed in due form at 8:10 P.M.           (m/s/c  3/0/0)          
Respectfully submitted;
Patricia V. Harris, Secretary

APPROVAL:       Approved and accepted as official minutes;

______________          _________________________
Date                    Henry Stephenson
